The Club is committed to protecting the privacy of its employees, volunteers, members, donors and other stakeholders. We value your trust and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information you share with us. We do not sell or distribute any of your personal information to external businesses or societies.

Personal information can be used to distinguish, properly serve, identify or contact a   specific individual. This information can include, but is not limited to, banking information, health card, age, medical information, home and/or work phone numbers, civic address, etc. Our club occasionally gathers and uses personal and statistical information for our programs, services, program payments, fundraisers, mail-outs, special events and activities. Your personal information is kept in confidence by staff and volunteers who are authorized to access your personal information for the reason (s) for which it was obtained. We will protect personal information in locked filing cabinets, secure IT software and / or in restricted access offices. We will on occasion, share statistical information with National, and local Boys & Girls Clubs.

Questions, concerns or complaints relating to this Privacy Policy should be directed to the Executive Director.